For more than twenty years, BAKER TILLY PUERTO RICO, CPA’s, PSC has been conducting audits and other services for colleges, universities and non-profit organizations. We have the knowledge and experience to understand the responsibilities and requirements in the administration of state and federal funds. We are the leading local firm in performing audits to colleges and universities in Puerto Rico.
At BAKER TILLY PUERTO RICO, CPA’s, PSC we perform financial and compliance audits on for-profit colleges that received federal funds in accordance with the audit guide issued by U.S. Department of Education (“Audit of Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs at Participating Institution Services”), Office of Inspector General. But our service goes beyond more compliance review. Consultants with enough experience in this field will assist you, and your institution, to carry out your trustee responsibilities.
We perform financial and compliance audits of non-profit institutions in accordance with the Uniform Guidance, Audits of States and Local Government, and Non-profit Organizations”. This audit, known as a “Single Audit”, is generally required to all non-profit institutions expending $750,000 or more in federal funds during a fiscal year.
Our experienced consultants are prepared to assist you in the preparation of proposals of grants, cost allocation plan for indirect costs, budgets, obtaining and keeping your institution eligibility for state and federal awards, obtaining federal and state tax exemption and responding to Federal auditors reports; among other services.
Our audit partner and consultants also assist your post secondary institution in the accreditation process so to maintain your eligibility to receive federal funds; also to enable adding new courses and curriculums.